Thursday, December 9, 2010

David Hockney syle!

David Hockney's style is basically getting a whole bunch of pictures of one thing and compiling them together to make a bigger picture. We did this digitally with a picture of my cute and adorable little dog :)

Find the differences!

Everyone went downtown while I stayed in English, so they were doing a scavenger hunt. So I had to use my own personal images. And the project was doing sort of "Where's waldo" thing, but it's just with differences... Have fun!

Some hands.

The effects used were to make the image warm, cool & emerald (with a gradient background). It gives the image a more difference effect and lets it stand out more.
(Emerald & Gradient)
*fail, hand looks GREEN*

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Photo Aging

When making a modern picture look vintage, you shouldn't pick a picture that has something modern (i.e. computer, ipod, technology) that is obviusly not old. The brush that I used for this was a coffee stain brush.


I replicated the work of Robert Mars. He basically made his collages have a vintage touch and the backround seemed like a lot of pieces of papers.